How Online Business Coaching
Can Revolutionize Your Productivity

As a CEO, creating a thriving business is exciting, but at times challenging. When you are doing well, you feel empowered, don’t you? Some even feel almost invincible. Online coaching seems unnecessary! When you are facing difficult choices, do you sometimes feel alone? Who can you turn to? Of course there are those persons in your life that you trust with your frustrations, but sometimes isn’t it difficult to share the entire problem, or do you get tired of repeating the same problem or story over and over? Have you considered the power of online business coaching?

Wouldn’t it feel fantastic if you had someone who will let you voice out issues and give you fresh perspectives and new approaches to old problems. If you are not burdened by travel, doesn’t that opportunity seem more attractive? Would you find your day more productive if you had a focus period on your success? A Business coach is a necessity for almost every business owner, CEO or Entrepreneur, it just is a question of the right expert and the right time. When you combine the power of mentoring with the convenience of online access, the opportunities are endless. Consider gaining insight in just a 15 minute call. 

Are the mentors at Vision Maker the right persons?

All coaches at Vision Maker have owned and/or are operating businesses that exceeded 7 figures.  We are not full time mentors. We have an incredible amount of experience in many types of industries and businesses.  Every mentor offering services has a unique set of skills and talents, no one better than the other. However, here are a couple of added thoughts from our experience that may help you choose the right mentor for you.

Good Listener

  • Is the mentor a good listener? Often you know the answer, you are just stuck making the decision.

Open Doors

  • Does the mentor inspire you, not only because of their knowledge or experience, but their excitement when opening doors with you, to look inside?

Continued Learning

  • Does the mentor have a sense of continued learning, instead of stagnant overused solutions?


  • Do you connect with the mentor? Do you feel the coach gets you, and can operate where you are, not where they want you to be?

We have found that the relationship between a coach and a CEO is far more important than the knowledge the coach may have, because trust outperforms advice every time. We offer a 15 minute free session to discuss your company, and challenges. We want to make sure we have the rapport and capability of supporting you as much as you want to make sure you feel supported. Doesn’t sound rapport enhance trust and create success?

Let’s have that frank conversation, because there is nothing worse than being in a relationship that is simply no fun and not productive, for either person.

Copyright © 2023 VISION MAKER

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