Have you considered the true value of a compelling Vision? Our experience is that once a compelling vision has been established, those leaders find more joy in their business. There is a deep sense of pride, excitement abounds in the employees and customers. The business achieves far greater results. The Vision Maker sees how effortlessly our comprehensive suite of vision enhanced mentor services and practical strategies work along side the compelling vision to improve sales, marketing, leadership, team growth and profitability. Those that lack a compelling vision often find their days are filled with constantly changing priorities, and some struggle with their team’s performance. Many find their business plateaus, and despite heroic efforts, the CEO cannot seem to break through financial ceilings. Does any of that describe you or sound familiar? Your inability to create a compelling vision is directly related to the actions of Vision Killers, in you or others.
The Vision Maker learns how to identify, control, tame and subdue those Vision Killers around him or her, allowing the creation of a compelling vision, collaborating and then figuring out “how.” Did you know that all Vision Killers reside in “How” will you get your vision done? When the focus shifts from the vision to how will the vision be accomplished, all creative solutions evaporate.
The success of our Vision Maker model can be largely attributed to the incredible results and feedback of the many CEOs who underwent this transformational experience. In every evolution, change requires trial and error, but eventually a champion rises, and a process can be created. At Vision Maker, we have perfected that process over the last 4 years. We invite you to become a Vision Maker through our mentor process or the book and companion cutting edge Vision Maker workbook offered on this website. The process is the same but one-on-one mentorship helps achieve the best results faster, with more depth and accountability.
Take the first steps to becoming a Vision Maker. Set up a call and ask what steps you can take to clarify your vision, or make it incredibly compelling.
California, USA
+1 (714) 325 7492
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