This example will provide insight into the strategy that created a successful outcome.
Cherise thought she was unable to build her business further. At 7 figures of revenue, talented employees were hard to find and keep, extraordinary profitability was illusive. What she did not realize was that she lacked a compelling vision, one that was bigger than her company and her customers, one that unified others to not only approve of her company but support it, even if they were not doing business with her.
Lack of a clear and compelling vision is not unique, which is why we have devoted time to the Vision Maker book. Three out of four CEOs admit that they do not feel they have a compelling vision for their company or themselves. The book tries to help all CEOs but if you want a more personal approach we offer mentorship.
Cherise created, with our assistance, a new vision, bigger than just pleasing her customers, a perspective that changed her whole company. The vision was shared not in a paper, posted on a wall, but in multiple and ongoing conversations about how her company would serve a purpose bigger than her company or her customer. Soon, the public was discussing her vision, and referring clients. Competitors could not understand what she was doing to attract clients.. Cherise had converted her healthy business into a powerhouse, with a vision she was proud to discuss at every opportunity. Have you ever read your vision statement almost apologetically? Is it a well drafted document that you can’t possible state easily, and quickly? Cherise’s employees began sharing the vision with friends, and family. We cannot discuss the details as it is proprietary and personal, but trust these results. Within a year, she had doubled her revenue, retained and attracted high achiever employees and was starting the second year with the intention of doubling again. By the way, that growth was during covid, when her competitors were having to shut down.
Cherise was simply too close to the problem, needed some expertise and a experienced ear. She did succeed in her second year to double again, and has not looked back. More importantly, she has more time, plays the visionary role in the company, and is pleased she has the time and financial freedom to enjoy her young family.
If you want this kind of success we just ask for 15 minutes? You can change your trajectory too.
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